Sunday, November 17, 2019

Presenting: The Psalmist's Harp!

Dear singing friends everywhere,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the First Electronic Edition of The Psalmist's Harp is now available! As stated before, my plan is to offer the PDF version for free download indefinitely, for anyone who would like to examine its contents, to have an electronic version for study or singing, or who would like to print the contents and produce their own physical book.

I am in the final stages of setting up the Kickstarter, which will help defray the cost of the first printing run. You'll be seeing more information about that in the very near future.

For now, enjoy the electronic version, and please feel free to share whatever feedback you may have!

UPDATE: The Kickstarter is now live! If you appreciate the book, please consider contributing to the cause of getting it printed.

1 comment:

The Psalmist's Harp Inaugural Singing -- Monday, 16 December 2019

Note: I had intended to post this update much nearer in time to the first singing, but life interposed; I present the below to you with apol...